Do You Need A Grain Dryer In Your Farming Setup?

grain dryer

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You’ve harvested the grain and now it’s time to prepare it for storage. That means drying the grain and ensuring that it’s ready for the bin. Traditional drying methods can take an incredible amount of time and effort. A grain dryer minimizes both time and effort while increasing efficiency and quality. In this article, we explore the benefits of a grain dryer, the various types, and the considerations you should take before investing in one. All of this will help you decide if they're right for your farming setup.

Benefits Of Using A Grain Dryer

The benefits of drying grain have long been in place, and anything that makes that process easier, more efficient, and easier to complete should be applauded. That’s precisely what grain dryers do. Their benefits are huge when it comes to farming at scale.

Increased Efficiency In Harvesting And Storage

Your grain harvesting is, putting it simply, faster and more efficient with a grain dryer. Rather than waiting long periods of time for your grain to dry naturally in the sun and with the natural air, you’re able to know precisely how long it’ll take to dry and precisely how dry the grain has become. Knowing these precise measurements means that you’re able to plan storage accurately and efficiently.

You’re no longer delaying harvest as there’s no space to dry the grain, nor are you worried about putting grain into storage as it’s not dry enough yet.

Better Control Over Grain Moisture Content

We all know that grain moisture content is one of the banes of grain storage. Too high and you risk the growth of mold or germination, leading to huge swathes of grain spoiling and potentially spreading contamination further. Too low, and you risk the grain becoming too dry, getting brittle, and breaking. Either way, your grain needs to be kept at the perfect moisture level, and that’s achieved through a grain dryer paired with effective monitoring systems.

Reduced Risk Of Spoilage And Pests

As mentioned above, improperly dried grain can easily spoil, but it can also attract pests. Pests are a major source of concern for farmers, especially when they get into a grain bin that is improperly dried. Moist, germinating grain is a delight for pests and can cause an outbreak that further spoils your harvest. Using a grain dryer is a great way to minimize the chances of spoilage and pest issues.

grain drying

Source: Canva

Types Of Grain Dryers

There are a few different types of grain dryers, and which one you choose will be based on a number of factors that we explore further below. Before we do, let’s investigate the 3 main types of grain dryers on the market.

In-Bin Dryers

In-bin dryers are great for farmers who want to maximize their space on the farm. The grain is both stored and dried in the same place, making them incredibly efficient and great time savers. The in-bin dryer works by blowing heated air through the grain when it’s in the bin, and then exhausting the moisture. As this all happens in one spot, they are a very convenient option for most farmers who want to minimize their transportation. That’s especially appealing given that grain can become damaged during transport.

These bins are some of the most versatile and can be used for all kinds of grains, including corn, wheat, soy, barley, in fact, there’s little that isn’t compatible. You’re also able to get them in a huge variety of sizes, depending on your requirements.

Batch Dryers

Batch dryers, as the name suggests, dry grain in batches. They’re large, insulated bins that can typically hold multiple tons of grain to be dried in a batch. Similar to the in-bin drying system, the batch dryer is fitted with fans and heating elements that circulate warm air throughout the grain to dry it to a specified level. Smaller batch dryers might complete a drying process within a few hours, while larger batch dryers that hold many tonnes will take days.

These dryers tend to plug the gap between farmers that want to expand from drying and storing in the same bin but aren’t ready for a continuous flow dryer yet.

Continuous Flow Dryers

The continuous flow dryers are some of the most advanced dryers available to farmers. As the name suggests, grain is placed onto a conveyor or auger and dried on a continuous basis. As the grain moves through the machine it is dried and then placed into a storage bin. The scale of these machines allows for huge volumes of grain to be processed in relatively small amounts of time. It’s the fastest and most efficient form of drying, especially when compared to the other methods above or natural drying.

As the grain is fed on a conveyor or auger, you can be fairly sure that the grain will be dried uniformly and in a controlled way. This leads to a more standardized level of drying. Of course, continuous dryers are appealing, but that does come at a cost. There’s the literal financial cost which is substantial, alongside the hefty maintenance costs that it requires going forward. There’s also the physical space that a dryer of this type takes up. These are also massive, energy-hungry machines, making them the most impactful dryers in terms of environmental emissions.

grain dryer equipment

Source: Canva

Considerations When Choosing A Grain Dryer

When you’re planning on your new dryer, it’s worth bearing in mind these simple considerations before you make a purchase: 

  • Farm Size And Grain Production: Smaller farm operations aren’t going to require huge continuous flow dryers, whereas larger farms will quickly outgrow smaller dryers. Consider the volume of grain that you’ll need to dry before investing.

  • Type Of Grain: Certain dryers will only be compatible with particular types of grain, this should be clearly advertised when you compare dryers, but it’s worth double-checking.

  • Budget And Investment: Dryers don’t come cheap, especially the more advanced options, therefore it’s important to factor in your budget and what you’re able to invest. Consider if this investment will be able to pay dividends in the future by saving you time, effort, and increasing production and capacity.

  • Maintenance And Operation Requirements: These machines do require additional maintenance, plus people to operate them. Both of which require further planning and investment.

Key Takeaways

Investing in a new dryer is a major event on any farm, it could revolutionize your farming methods, or at least improve them to a new efficient level. Picking the right dryer does take some thought, so make sure to refer back to this article when planning.

  • There are different dryers for all different types of farms.

  • Ensure that the dryer you pick is compatible with your grain and your farm.

If you’re looking for the latest in modern farming equipment and processes, have a conversation with Wall Grain and explore what we have to offer.


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