We have decades of experience with different drying methods and have numerous recommendations to offer so you can use them effectively.
Out of the 7 ways to dry grain, which are your preferred methods?
We’ve found that most grain producers will use 3 or 4 of these methods throughout their farming careers. Maybe you’re utilizing aeration fans for Natural Air Drying or Dry Aeration within your bins. Or perhaps you prefer the Fast Dry method with its incredible benefits.
Perhaps you’re looking for an alternate method that’ll allow you to dry large quantities of grain at a time before moving it into your bins. For that, we can give you your preferred option from any of Mathews Company’s ECO, Delta or Legacy dryers. Running a grain dryer can be a very effective method and, with the right one in place, you could even eliminate the need for another combine.
Contact one of our Grain Management Advisors for more information on the benefits of any of these systems.